133rd National Pictures
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Thursday Afternoon and Jeff trimming!

Camp is ready

Another rare sighting

Steve, finishing Individuals

Late Thurday, Individuals

Down on the Revolver Range, Individuals too!

Back at camp, the boys are getting ready for dinner

B Revolver getting ready for the first event

Ready to go

Lars cleaning his piece!

"A" Revolver Team

Looking to the left

"B" Revolver Team

"A" Smoothbore sizing up the firing line

Jeff helping HP with directions?

Left side of the firing line

Rob and others getting ready for the match

"A" Team on the line for the 1st event

"A" Smoothbore Team

"B" Smoothbore Team

Dave napping before SingleShot match, thougt that was Paul!

"A" SingleShot Team

"B" SingleShot Team

Troops relaxing, matches are done!

Jimmy, although he didn't shoot, is very tired!

Saturday morning, setting up for Carbine

Left side of the line

Right side of the line

Man, if it wasn't for the hats, no one would know who they were

Jimmys ready!

"A" Carbine on the line

"A" Carbine Team

Lars and Alex makeing last minute plans

Jeff and Ronda, nice looking pair!

"B" Carbine Team

After the match, troops are relaxing

Skip and Doug getting dinner started

More of the same

and one more shot

and one more

Dave is getting in on the action too

Father and son coming up to help

and the rest having a few

Dinner time!

and the rest inside

More of the same

And one more

And one more

Speaking of father and son, here all the Hall's

Chris picking up the Carbine Medals

Chris picking up the SingleShot Medals

Sunday morning setting up for the Musket Match

Left side of the line

Right side of the line

We have enought water for sea battles!

Former Blue, Sonny Riggs

Former Blue, John Maderious

Trying to stay dry

and the rest of the team with the same idea

"A" Team on the line

"A" Musket Team

Skip and Cindy watching the show

And the rest of the spectators

"B" Musket Team

Pete trying to hide

Alex and Fred

"C" Musket Team

Skip advising young Sean

Jimmy raping things up, look at those puddles!