126th Potomac 2023 Pictures
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B Team on-line for the next event

C Team stighting on the first target

John safetying for another team

The Revolver line

C Team blazing away!

C Team blazing away!

C Team blazing away!

Davy safetying as well

A Team on-line

"A" Revolver Team

"B" Revolver Team

"C" Revolver Team

left side of the Carbine line

Right side of the Carbine line

Blues getting ready for the match to begin

Blues getting ready for the match to begin

John shooting with the 12th as a pickup

Our Carbine spectators(Nancy & Davy)

Our Carbine spectators(Chris Hayes)

B Carbine on-line

A Team's Stake

B Team's Stake

"A" Carbine Team

"B" Carbine Team

Getting ready for the Smoothbore Match

A Smoothbore shooting Pigeons

"A" Smoothbore Team

"B" Smoothbore Team

Left side of the Musket Line

Right side of the Musket Line

Blue's getting ready for the Musket Match

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Opening Ceremony, Salute to Larry Mahon

Hanging the 50 yard Tiles

Davy Crockett with his Potomac Commander award

A Team's Stake

B Team's Stake

Returning from clean-up

"A" Musket Team

"B" Musket Team

"A" Singleshot Team

"B" Singleshot Team